My grandmother Radna was from a rich Siberian family. Her grand father Anton was Polish, sent to exile in Siberia for his participation in anti-Russian uprising. Anton married a Buriat woman and got settled in the Irkutsk region. His son, of a Christian name Ivan Antonovich, became a rich farmer and was among the first ones in Russia who ordered a tractor from the USA in the 19th century. According to grandma's archives, the future Russian tsar, crown-prince Nicolai, stayed in Ivan Antonovich's house on his journey to Japan by the end of the1890-ies. Radna lived in England and France, but then she spent most of her life in Mongolia, which was a promising emerging country in the beginning of 1920-ies. Radna was highly educated, she spoke fluent Russian and English and in her elder age she started to learn German. She brought up four children and often took care of me and my brother. Till the end of her life she was an orthodox Christian. She outlasted her husband for only one year. (This photo was taken in 1975, two years before grandfather Rinchen's death.)